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OCSMRM Registration and Election 2024
The OCSMRM membership registration and Secretary and Board of Trustees (BoT) voting are now open! There are three types of the membership, the Lifetime Members ($200, one-time fee), the Regular Members ($50, requiring annual renewal) and Trainee Members ($15, requiring annual renewal). The deadline for the Secretary and BoT voting is 11:59pm, April 27th, 2024, Eastern Standard Time (EST).

The registration rules:
1. Students, post-doctoral fellows, and clinical residents are considered Trainees.
2. Only non-trainees can become Lifetime member.
3. Only members who have previously registered as Lifetime Member can click the "Existing Lifetime Member" button for free registration.

The election/voting rules:
1. Only the registered members can cast the vote.
2. Trainee members are not eligible to vote for Secretary or BoT candidates, similar to policies of other professional societies.
3. Your vote is confidential.
4. You must vote for one (1) and only one (1) candidate for Secretary, and the one with most votes out of the 3 candidates will be recommended for the Secretary.
5. New rule: You must vote for two (2) and only two (2) candidates for the BoT. As per the decision made by the BoT committee last year, two BoT members will be chosen: one from China with the highest votes and another from outside China with the highest votes will be recommended for the new members of BoT.


Three candidates for Secretary are listed below in alphabetic order. Please click for more information about the candidates.

Hongyu An

Danny JJ Wang

Ze Wang

Six candidates for Board of Trustees are listed below in alphabetic order. Please click for more information about the candidates.

Zhaoyang Fan

Lili He

Haidong Li

Qin Qin

Hongjiang Wei

Bing Zhang